The Official Journal of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter Patient Safety Foundation and is published three times per year in Wilmington, Delaware. Individual subscription–$100, Corporate–$500. Contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. ©Copyright, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, 2017.
The opinions expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. The APSF neither writes nor promulgates standards, and the opinions expressed herein should not be construed to constitute practice standards or practice parameters. Validity of opinions presented, drug dosages, accuracy, and completeness of content are not guaranteed by the APSF.
APSF Executive Committee:
Mark A. Warner, President; Jeffrey B. Cooper, PhD, Executive Vice President; George A. Schapiro, Executive Vice President; Steven R. Sanford, JD, Vice President; Matthew B. Weinger, Secretary; Casey D. Blitt, MD, Treasurer; Douglas A. Bartlett; David J. Birnbach, MD; Robert A. Caplan, MD; Daniel J. Cole, MD; David M. Gaba, MD; Steven B. Greenberg, MD; Steven K. Howard, MD; Lorri A. Lee, MD; A. William Paulsen, PhD, AA-C, Richard C. Prielipp, MD; Maria van Pelt, CRNA, PhD. Consultants to the Executive Committee: John H. Eichhorn, MD; Bruce P. Hallbert, PhD; Marjorie P. Stiegler, MD.
Newsletter Editorial Board:
Lorri A. Lee, MD, Co-Editor; Steven B. Greenberg, MD, Co-Editor; Edward Bittner, MD, PhD, Associate Editor; Sorin J. Brull, MD; Joan M. Christie, MD; Jan Ehrenwerth, MD; John H. Eichhorn, MD; Nikolaus Gravenstein, MD; Tricia Meyer, PharmD; Glenn S. Murphy, MD; Wilson Somerville, PhD; Jeffrey Vender, MD.
Address all general, contributor, and subscription correspondence to:
Administrator, Janet Henderson
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
Charlton 1-145
Mayo Clinic
200 1st Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905
E-mail: [email protected]
Address Newsletter editorial comments, questions, letters, and suggestions to:
Lorri A. Lee, MD
Co-Editor, APSF Newsletter
[email protected]
Steven B. Greenberg, MD
Co-Editor, APSF Newsletter
[email protected]
Edward A. Bittner, MD, PhD
Associate Editor, APSF Newsletter
[email protected]