The APSF encourages applications for the APSF Learner Advisory Council (LAC). The LAC is a multiprofessional group of anesthesiology trainees and students whose mission is to provide trainee perspectives to guide and support the APSF Board of Directors, Patient Safety Priority Groups, and other associated committees, workgroups, and task forces. These groups may invite members of the LAC to attend as needed whenever trainee perspectives are desired and vice versa. The LAC may also seek meetings with APSF committees, etc. to provide advice on how trainee and student engagement may be employed.
Program Criteria and Responsibilities:
- Must be a medical student, anesthesiology resident, student registered nurse anesthetist, or student anesthesiologist assistant in training at the time of application.
- Term will be 2 years.
- Attend virtual committee and board meetings at the discretion of APSF officers, BOD members or APSF committee chairs, and one in-person board/Stoelting conference during the 2-year term.
- Must be open and willing to collaborate with diverse members of the anesthesia professionals and perioperative team.
- The LAC members may be responsible for helping to create and disseminate information as it relates to activities involving the APSF Patient Safety Priorities, APSF Newsletter, and other associated APSF activities.
- The LAC will meet every other month with a designee mentor from the BOD to discuss ways in which to further engage participation from trainees/students.
- The LAC are encouraged to become APSF social media ambassadors.
Application Criteria:
- CV
- Two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the program director, addressing the applicant’s leadership potential and ability to work in a team. The program director letter should also state that the applicant will be provided the time to attend APSF-related meetings as needed.
- Personal statement addressing the following questions:
- Please describe why you would be interested in serving as a member of the APSF Learner Advisory Council? If selected, what would you like to achieve in the next two years?
- Please limit the number of words to 500, Times New Roman 12, single spaced.
Please email application materials or any inquiries to [email protected].
Application deadline: March 31st, 2025.
Decisions will be emailed by April 30th, 2025.