Perioperative Multi-Center Handoff Collaborative (MHC)

Perioperative Patient Handoffs: Getting it Right

Perioperative Multi-Center Handoff Collaborative

Formed in 2015, the Perioperative Multi-Center Handoff Collaborative ( is supported by the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation’s (APSF), as a special interest group, to address one of its 2018 Patient Safety Priorities – Patient-related Communication Issues, Handoffs and Transitions in Care.


  • To build the evidence base and implement strategies and tactics capable of eliminating unintended harms attributable to poor communication and teamwork during perioperative handovers


  • Understand the current state of perioperative handovers from all stakeholders
  • Publish generalizable knowledge to advance perioperative handovers
  • Organize and execute multi-center studies with human factors and implementation scientists
  • Develop training material for medical education at the undergraduate, graduate and licensed practioneer levels

Handoff Resources:

The MHC is currently developing perioperative handoff resources for anesthesia and other healthcare professionals: