APSF Newsletter Editorial Board

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APSF Newsletter Editorial Board

Jennifer Banayan, MD

Jennifer M. Banayan, MD


Chicago, IL

Edward Bittner, MD, PhD

Edward Bittner, MD, PhD

Associate Editor

Boston, MA

Joshua Lea, DNP, MBA, CRNA

Joshua Lea, DNP, MBA, CRNA

Assistant Editor

Boston, MA

Emily Methangkool, MD, MPH

Emily Methangkool, MD, MPH

Assistant Editor

Los Angeles, CA

Felipe Urdaneta, MD

Felipe Urdaneta, MD

Assistant Editor

Gainesville, FL

Wilson Somerville, PhD

Wilson Somerville, PhD

Copy Editor

Winston-Salem, NC

Celestine P. Brandon

Celestine P. Brandon, MBA

APSF Newsletter Project Manager

Chicago, IL

Aalok Agarwala, MD

Aalok Agarwala, MD

Boston, MA

JW Beard, MD, MBA

John W. Beard, MD

Wilmette, IL

Heather Columbano, MD

Heather Columbano, MD

Winston-Salem, NC

Jan Ehrenwerth, MD

Jan Ehrenwerth, MD

New Haven, CT

John H. Eichhorn, MD

John H. Eichhorn, MD

San Jose, CA

Nikolaus Gravenstein, MD

Nikolaus Gravenstein, MD

Gainesville, FL

Paul Lefebvre, JD

Paul Lefebvre, JD

Kansas City, MO

Bommy Hong Mershon

Bommy Hong Mershon, MD

Baltimore, MD

Brian J. Thomas, JD

Brian J. Thomas, JD

Overland Park, KS

Jeffery S. Vender, MD

Jeffery S. Vender, MD

Winnetka, IL

APSF Newsletter International Editorial Board

Sung-Ae Cho, MD

Sung-Ae Cho, MD

Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Byung-Moon Choi

Byung-Moon Choi

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jeong-Hyun Choi, MD

Jeong-Hyun Choi, MD

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jeffrey Huang, MD

Jeffrey Huang, MD

Tampa, FL

Abdullah Kaki, MD

Abdullah Kaki, MD

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Izumi Kawagoe, MD, PhD

Izumi Kawagoe, MD, PhD

Tokyo, Japan

Hee Young Kim, MD, PhD

Hee Young Kim, MD, PhD

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Seung Woo Ku, MD, PhD

Seung Woo Ku, MD, PhD

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Vsevolod V. Kuzkov, MD, PhD

Vsevolod V. Kuzkov, MD, PhD

Arkhangelsk, Russia

Konstantin M. Lebedinskii, MD

Konstantin M. Lebedinskii, MD

St. Petersburg, Russia

André Maciel

André Maciel

Lisbon, Portugal

Yong G. Peng, MD

Yong G. Peng, MD

Gainesville, FL

Julien Picard, MD, PhD

Julien Picard, MD, PhD

Grenoble, France

Kwon Hui Seo, MD, PhD

Kwon Hui Seo, MD, PhD

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Munir Shawagfeh, MD

Munir Shawagfeh, MD

Amman, Jordan

Felipe Urdaneta, MD

Felipe Urdaneta, MD

Gainesville, FL

Hui Zhang, MD

Hui Zhang, MD

Xi’an, ShaanXI Province, China