Corporate and Community Donors

Corporate Donors

Founding Patron ($340,000)

American Society of Anesthesiologists (

American Society of Anesthesiologists


2025 Corporate Advisory Council Members
(Current as of 2/1/2025)

Platinum Level ($60,000)


Eagle PharmaceuticalsEagle Pharmaceuticals (

Fresenius KabiFresenius Kabi ( is a global health care company that specializes in lifesaving medicines and technologies that are used to help care for critically and chronically ill patients, offering injectable medicine portfolios for anesthesia providers and a growing number of ready-to-administer products.

GE HealthcareGE Healthcare ( is a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, that enables clinicians to make faster, more informed decisions through intelligent devices, data analytics, applications and services, supported by its Edison intelligence platform.

SolventumSolventum ( creates innovative products and services that touch millions of lives, transform the patient experience and save time for healthcare professionals.

Vertex PharmaceuticalsVertex Pharmaceuticals ( At Vertex, we invest in scientific innovation to create transformative medicines for people with serious diseases.

Gold Level ($40,000)

Blink Device Company
Blink Device Company

Nihon Kohden America
Nihon Kohden America

Preferred Physicians Medical Risk Retention Group

Silver Level ($15,000)





Special recognition and thank you to Medtronic for their support and funding of the APSF/Medtronic Patient Safety Research Grant ($150,000).


For more information about how your organization can support the APSF mission and participate in the Corporate Advisory Council, go to: or contact Jill Maksimovich at: [email protected].

Community Donors

(Specialty Organizations, Anesthesia Groups, ASA State Component Societies and Individuals)

Specialty Organizations

$5,000 to $14,999

American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants

Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

$2,000 to $4,999

Society of Academic Associations of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine

The Academy of Anesthesiology

$750 to $1,999

American Osteopathic College of Anesthesiologists

Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA)

Society for Pediatric Anesthesia

$250 to $749

Association of Anesthesiologist Assistant Education Program

Jewish Healthcare Foundation (in memory of Dr. LeRoy Wible)

Anesthesia Groups

$15,000 and Higher

US Anesthesia Partners

North American Partners in Anesthesia

$5,000 to $14,999

NorthStar Anesthesia


$2,000 to $4,999

Madison Anesthesiology Consultants, LLP

$750 to $1,999

General Anesthetic Services

$250 to $749

Enhanced Provider Solutions

Northeastern University Nurse Anesthesia (in memory of Fred Reede)

ASA State Component Societies

$5,000 to $14,999

Indiana Society of Anesthesiologists

$2,000 to $4,999

Michigan Society of Anesthesiologists

Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists

Tennessee Society of Anesthesiologists

Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists

$750 to $1,999

Florida Society of Anesthesiologists

Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists

Iowa Society of Anesthesiologists

Nebraska Society of Anesthesiologists

Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists

$250 to $749

Connecticut Society of Anesthesiologists

Maine Society of Anesthesiologists

Uniformed Services Society of Anesthesiologists


$15,000 and Higher

Steven J. Barker, MD, PhD

$5,000 to $14,999


Daniel J. Cole, MD

Jeffrey and Debra Feldman

James J. Lamberg, DO, FASA

Susan Taber (in memory of APSF founder Ellison “Jeep” Pierce)

Thomas L. Warren (in memory of Frank Rinaldo, MD)

Mary Ellen and Mark Warner

$2,000 to $4,999

Robert A. Caplan, MD (in honor of Dr. Robert Stoelting)

Jeffrey B. Cooper, PhD

Steven Greenberg, MD

Alaric LeBaron

May Pian-Smith, MD, MS (in honor of Jeffrey Cooper, PhD)

Drs. Ximena and Daniel Sessler

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stanley

$750 to $1,999

Dr. Barbara A. Allen

Donald E. Arnold, MD, FASA

Douglas R. Bacon, M.D., M.A. (in honor of Mark Warner, MD)

Doug and Jennifer Bartlett (in memory of Diana Davidson, CRNA)

Casey D. Blitt, MD

Frank and Amy Chan (in memory of Peter McGinn, MD)

Dr. Robert and Mrs. Jeanne Cordes

Timothy Dowd, MD

Dr. Richard Dutton and Ms. Greykell Dutton

Kenechi Ebede

Thomas Ebert, MD

Alexander Hannenberg, MD (in honor of Dan Cole)

Marshal B. Kaplan, MD (in memory of Debra Lipscomb, Amanda Ward, Maxwell Ward, Fay Kaplan, and Bernard Kaplan)

Catherine Kuhn, MD

Meghan Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP

Joshua Lea, CRNA

Emily Methangkool, MD

Mark C. Norris, MD

Lynn J. Reede, CRNA (in memory of Fred A. Reede, Jr.)

Elizabeth Rebello, MD

Patty Mullen Reilly

Dru Riddle

Ty A. Slatton, MD, FASA

Robert K. Stoelting, MD

Joseph Szokol (in honor of Steven Greenberg, MD)

Brian Thomas, JD

Stephen J. Thomas, MD (in honor of Robert Stoelting)

Dr. Donald C. Tyler

$250 to $749

Shane Angus, CAA, MSA

Valerie Armstead

Robert M. Barnes, CRNA, APRN

Marilyn L. Barton (in memory of Darrell Barton)

John Beard, MD

Sarah G. Bodin, MD

K. Page Branam, MD (in honor of Donna M. Holder, MD)

Charles and Celeste Brandon (in honor of Jennifer Banayan, MD, Emily Methangkool, MD and Steven Greenberg, MD)

C. Brummel, MD (in memory of Jane Sharp)

Matthew W. Caldwell

Jonathan B. Cohen, MD

Eileen Csontos (in memory of Dr. Patrick Schafer)

Kenneth Cummings, MD

Attila Dobos

James F. Doebele, MD

Karen B. Domino

James DuCanto, MD

Steven B. Edelstein, MD, FASA

Mike Edens and Katie Megan

Mary Ann and Jan Ehrenwerth, MD

Collin Elsea, CRNA

Jim Fehr

Anthony J. Forte, PhD, MD

Ian J. Gilmour, MD

James and Lisa Grant

Allen N. Gustin, MD

Paul W. Hagan

John F. Heath, MD

Amber High, DNP, CRNA, NC-BC (in honor of UTMB Nurse Anesthesia Cohort 1)

Rodney Hoover, DNAP, MS, CRNA

Rob Hubbs, MD

Rebecca L. Johnson, MD

Cathie Jones

Kelly Kaufman

Mary Kemen

Donna Kucharski, MD, MBA

Kumbhat Giving

Laurence Lang, MD

Andrew R. Locke

Christina Matadial

Edwin Mathews, MD

Stacey Maxwell

Russell K. McAllister, MD (in honor of Tricia Meyer, PharmD)

John J. McAuliffe III, MD, MBA (in honor of Timothy W. Martin, MD, FASA)

Gregory McComas and Vilija Avizonis Family

Maureen McLaughlin

Margaret Meenan (in memory of Francis and Maureen Meenan)

Jay and Beth Mesrobian

Tricia A. Meyer

Michael Miller

Sara Moser (in honor of Mark Warner)

Uma Munnur

Christopher O’Connor

Drs. Michael and Georgia Olympio

Sephalie Patel

Amy Pearson, MD (in honor of Sara Moser)

Lee S. Perrin, MD

Mark Phillips

Marc Reichel

James Reilly

Timothy D. Saye, MD

George and Jo Ann Schapiro (in honor of Robert Stoelting, MD)

Wendy J. Sharp, MD

Cynthia H. Shields, MD

Brad Steenwyk

Shepard B. Stone, DMSc, PA

Jonathan M. Tan, MD, MPH, MBI

Samuel Tirer

Laurence and Lynn Torsher

Andrea Vannucci

Maria van Pelt

Christine Vo, MD, FASA

Matthew B. Weinger, MD

Andrew Weisinger

Suzanne Wright

Margaret Wypart, DVM, DACVAA

Shannon and Yan Xiao

Toni Zito

APSF Legacy Society

Steve and Janice Barker

Dan and Cristine Cole

Karma and Jeffrey Cooper

Burton A. Dole, Jr.

Marsha and John Eichhorn, MD

Jeff and Debra Feldman

David Gaba, MD and Deanna Mann

Alex Hannenberg, MD and Carol Hannenberg, MD

Drs. Joy L. Hawkins and Randall M. Clark

Dr. Eric and Marjorie Ho

Della M. Lin and Lee S. Guertler

Drs. Michael and Georgia Olympio

Paul Pomerantz

Lynn and Fred Reede

Bill, Patty and Curran Reilly

Dru and Amie Riddle

Steve Sanford

Dr. Ephraim S. (Rick) and Eileen Siker

Robert Stoelting, MD

Brian J. Thomas, JD and Keri Voss

Tim and Linda Vanderveen

Mary Ellen and Mark Warner

Drs. Susan and Don Watson

Matthew B. Weinger, MD and Lisa Price


Note: Donations are always welcome. Donate online ( or mail to APSF, P.O. Box 6668, Rochester, MN 55903

(Donor List: current as of February 1, 2025)