Puza Retires as APSF Administrative Assistant

Wanda Puza has been the “voice of the APSF” to all who have called the APSF office for many years. Wanda has served the APSF as Administrative Assistant to Dr. Ellison C. (Jeep) Pierce and as the administrative backbone, arranging Executive Committee meetings, Board of Director Meetings, retreats and workshops, and keeping our donor lists, committee lists and mailing lists organized. She has been a familiar and friendly face to hundreds of people who have visited the APSF booth at the annual ASA meetings. Finally, as a symbol of her ongoing dedication to the APSF, Wanda has helped to train and orient her successor, Deanna Walker, who assumed the position of Administrative Assistant to APSF President, Dr. Robert Stoelting. We bid a fond farewell to Wanda in her well earned retirement and welcome Deanna.

Wanda Puza receives retirement gift from Dr. Robert Stoelting, APSF President.