James Tse, MD, PhD, Rose Alloteh, MD, and Syviana Barsoum, MD, et al. were awarded the EC Pierce, Jr., MD, Award for the best scientific exhibit at the 2014 American Society of Anesthesiologist meeting in New Orleans, LA. Their exhibit was entitled “A Simple TSE-Alloteh Nasal CPAP/CF Mask/Circuit to Improve Nasal Ventilation and Oxygenation in OSA Patients during Intraoperative Sedation and Induction of General Anesthesia.” The authors highlighted an easily assembled infant face mask with fully inflated air cushion, which was secured over the nose with head straps and connected to an anesthesia circuit with either CPAP or BiPAP mode using the pressure support ventilator mode.

Pictured in photo (left to right) are Tetsu Uejima, MD; Tricia Meyer, Pharm D; James Tse, MD, PhD; Richard Prielipp, MD, MBA, FCCM; Maria Van Pelt, CRNA, MS, MSN; Lianne Stephenson, MD; and Deb Lawson, AA-C.