Changes to the 2014-15 APSF Grant Program

Steven Howard, MD

The APSF grant program is undergoing significant changes beginning with the next round of funding. A letter of intent (LOI) system will be utilized to replace the full proposal submission of years past. A 3-page letter of intent will be due on March 3, 2014 (5:00 pm EST), and a subset of these applications will be chosen for full grant submission. Applicants chosen for full proposal submission will be informed on May 1, 2014, with full proposals due on August 25, 2014 (5:00 pm EST). The LOI format will allow applicants to submit their proposed work in a shorter format without having to initially write a full proposal. This will also give the Scientific Evaluation Committee an opportunity to provide valuable feedback to those investigators who are invited to submit a full proposal.

The LOI/grant submission process will utilize new grant management software that has been designed to improve the reliability and ease of use for applicants, reviewers, and administrators. LOI submissions will be accepted via the website.

—Steven Howard, MD