APSF COT Selects Philip for New Leadership Role

Dr. Michael A. Olympio, chair of the Committee on Technology (COT), is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. James E. Philip, ME (E), MD, CCE, as the first media relations director of COT, for a 2-year term. Dr. Philip is a recent addition to COT but has been peripherally involved with the APSF since its inception. Philip co-authored one of the many critical incident manuscripts from Dr. Jeffrey Cooper’s laboratory in the 1970s and 1980s, and he was a colleague of Dr. Jeep Pierce, founder of the APSF. He served as a member of the APSF Scientific Evaluation Committee from1995-1999, and was one of several designated speakers for an early APSF project, the Grand Anesthesia Safety Symposium (GASS). Philip continues his safety efforts today, and lectures extensively on “Anesthesia is a Safe Specialty.” More recently, Philip served as president of the Society for Technology in Anesthesia. His new position with COT as Media Relations Director is primarily concerned with the timely and accurate communications of COT administrative details and safety efforts through the on-line APSF website. Welcome to Dr. Philip.