Sample Publications Resulting from APSF Grant-Supported Research More Than $1 Million in Grants Awarded in Seven Years

The first APSF research grant awards were announced in 1986; the first projects were conducted in 1987. Since that time and including this year, there have been a total of 30 projects receiving grant awards in twenty different institutions with a total of over $ 1.1 million of funding support. These funds have particularly high leverage because they cannot be used for institutional overhead and because frequently the department involved provides additional support to the investigator. This is reflected in the large number of publications deriving from APSF supported research. Investigators funded during the years 1987 through 1992 inclusively have reported a total of approximately 50 articles published or in press and another 50 abstracts. A sampling of these is listed below with the principal investigator indicated in boldface. The diversity of topics supported by the APSF is indicated by the titles.

Representative Publications

Sang CN, Berde CB, Safety in Pediatric Regional Analgesia Study Group. A multicenter study of safety and risk factors in pediatric regional analgesia. Anesthesiology, 1994 (in press)

Strafford MA, Wilder RT, Sethna NF, Berde CB. The risk of infection from pediatric epidural analgesia is low. Anesth Analg, 1994 (in press)

Berde CB. Convulsions associated with pediatric regional

anesthesia. Anesth. Analg. 75:164-6,1992 Lui SS, Paul GE, Carpenter RL, WU R: Prolonged P-R interval is a risk factor for bradycardia during spinal anesthesia. Regional Anesthesia, 1994 (in press)

Carpenter RL, Caplan RA, Brown DL, Stephenson CA, Wu R: Incidence and risk factors for side effects of spinal anesthesia. Anesthesiology 76:906-916,1992

Cohen MM, Duncan PG, Tweed WA, Biehl D, Pope WDB, Perry M, Merchant R. “The Canadian four centre study on anaesthetic outcomes: 1. Description of methods and populations. ‘ Can J Anaesth 39:420-429,1992

Cohen MM, Duncan PG, Pope WDB, Tweed WA, Biehl, MacWilliam L, Merchant R. “The Canadian four centre study on anesthetic outcomes E. Can outcomes be used to assess quality of care in anesthesia?” Can J Anaesth 39:430-439,1992

Duncan PG, Cohen MM, Biehl D, Tweed WA, Pope WDB, Merchant R, DeBoer D. “The Canadian four centre study of anaesthetic outcomes: III Are anesthetic complications predictable in day surgical practice?’ Can j Anaesth 39: 440-448, 1992

Rolf N, Cote’ CJ. Diagnosis of clinically unrecognized endobronchial intubation in pediatric anesthesia: Which is more sensitive pulse oximetry or capnometry? J Pediatric Anesthesia 2: 31-35,1992

Rolf N, Cote’ CJ. Frequency and severity of desaturation events during general anesthesia in children with and without upper respiratory infections. j Clin Anesth 4: 200-203,1992

Cote’ CJ, Rolf N, Liu LM, Goudsouzian NG, Ryan JF, et

al. A single-blind study of combined pulse oximetry and capnography in children. Anesthesiology 74:9W987,1991

Gaba DM, Howard SK, Fish KJ, et al. Anesthesia crisis resource management training: Teaching anesthesiologists to handle critical incidents. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 63: 76370,1992

DeAnda A, Gaba DM. The role of experience in the response to simulated critical incidents. Anesth Analg 72:308315,1991

De Anda A, Gaba DM. Unplanned incidents during comprehensive anesthesia simulation. Anesth Analg 71: 77-82, 1990

Gaba DM, De Anda A. The response of anesthesia trainees to simulated critical incidents. Anesth Analg 68.444-451,1989

Gaba DM, De Anda A. A comprehensive anesthesia simulation environment: Recreating the operating room for research and teaching. Anesthesiology 69:387-394,1988

Good ML, Gravenstein JS. Training for safety in an anesthesia simulator. Sern Anesth 12: 235-n, 1993

Hartniannsgruber M, Good ML, Carovano RG, Lampotang S, Gravenstein JS. Anasthesiesimulatoren and traingsgerate. Anaesthetist 42:46249,1993

Loeb RG, Brunner JX, Nathan L. Pace, MD. The Utah anesthesia machine. Anesthesiology 70:999-1007,1989

Sa=a SK, Schork MA, Guinto FC. A study of radiologic imaging techniques and airway grading to predict a difficult endotracheal intubation. I Chn Monit, 1994 (in press)

Schwid HA. Computer simulations and management of crifical incidents. Academic Medicine 69: 213,1994

Schwid HA, (YDonnell D. Anesthesiologists’ responses to simulated critical incidents. Anesthesiology 76: 495-501,1992

Schwid HA, (YDonneU, D. Educational malignant hyperthermia simulator. j Chn Monit 8: 201-208,1992

Schwid HA, O’Donnell D. The anesthesia simulatorrecorder: A device to train and evaluate anesthesiologists’ responses to critical inddents. Anesthesiology 72: 191-197, 1990

Warner MA, et al. Lower-extremity motor neuropathy associated with surgery performed on patients in a fithotomy position. Anesthesiology 81: 6 12,1994

Warner MA, et al. Clinical significance of pulmonary aspiration during the perioperative period. Anesthesiology 78: 56-62,1993

Warner MA, et al. Major morbidity and mortality within one month of ambulatory surgery and anesthesia. JAMA 270: 1437-1441,1993

Weinger MB, Hemdon OW, Zomow MH, Paulus MP, et al. An objective methodology for task analysis and workload assessment in anesthesia providers. Anesthesiology 80: 77-92, 1994

Orr JA, Westenskow DR. A breathing circuit alarm sys, tern based on neural networks. J Chn Monit 10: 101-109,1994

Myh,ea KC, Orr JA, Westenskow DR. Integration of monitoring for intelligent alarms in anesthesia: Neural networks can they help? J Chn Monit 9: 31-37,1993

Westenskow DR, Orr JA, Simon FH, Ing D, Bender Hj, Frankenberger H. Intelligent aknns reduce anesthesiolo&es response time to critical faults. Anesthesiology 77:1074-1079, 1992

Dr. Cooper is an Aswiate Professor of Anaesthesia at Haroard Medical School and Director 0 Bionxdkal Engineering, Maswchusetts General Hospital, Boston. He has been the chairman of the APSF Committee on Scientific Evaluation since 1989.