Pierce Award Winners: One of the 1994 Ellison C. Pierce Auards given by the APSF at the ASA Annual Meeting for the best exhibit(s) related to anesthesia patient safety went to members of the APSF Subco?nmittee on Medical Gas and Vacuum Systems: (L-R) Mr. Pete Winbourne of Medical Gas Management, Bethany, OK; Ervin Moss, M.D., Chairman of the Subcommittee and consultant to the New Jersey State Society of Anesthesiologists; Mr. Fred Evans, President, Medical Gas A4anagenient, Mr. Tom Nagle, Senice Marketing Manager, Ohmeda, Wison, W7, Todd Peterson, M.D., Department of Anesthesiology, University of Arizona; and (not pictured here) Joseph Pepper, Ph.D., President, Medical Systems Division, Ohmeda, Liberty Corner, NJ. The elaborate and thought-provoking exhibit was titled ‘Look Beyond the Walls’ and demonstrated real-life examples of an amazing and comprehensive array of problems that can occur usually unnoticed until critical – with medical gas systems. In the foreground is a dead bird that was trapped in the air inlet of a compressor, causing afoul odor in the medical air system of that facility.
Pierce Award Winners: The other of the 1994 Ellison C. Pierce Awards given by the APSF at the ASA Annual Meeting for the best exhibit(s) related to anesthesia patient safety went to Robert A. Berman, M.D., an anesthesiologist from Denver, CO, shown here seated on the left with his son, Jonathan C. Berman, M.D., also an anesthesiologist. Dr. Berman’s exhibit was titled “History of Airway Management: One Man’s Perspective’ and it chronicled many developments 0 devices and technizues promoting safe airway management,
“Look. Beyond the Walls” Award winning exhibit on contaminated gas pipelines Pgs. 45 and 47.