Transparent Reality Simulation on the Web

Sem Lampotang, PhD

The Virtual Anesthesia Machine (VAM) website has diversified and now offers other simulations in addition to those of the anesthesia machine and its pre-use check. The simulation portfolio at includes pharmacokinetics (propofol and fospropofol), compliance to prescribed drug regimens, bag valve mask ventilation, the physics of anesthesia, continuous veno-veno hemodialysis (CVVH), perioperative hemostasis, thromboelastography, coronary circulation, and airway devices. The simulations fall into 3 categories: free public access (n = 17), free registered access (registration required; n = 3), and paid access to an instructor area (n = 11). The latter section was created as part of ongoing efforts to become a non-loss, self-funded program. To facilitate collaborative content creation, a newly-implemented wiki section allows anyone, after registration, to create and edit web pages on that section of the website

Transparent Reality Simulation on the Web

Traffic on the VAM website continues to grow (>5 million hits/yr; ~ 650 visitors/day, >28,000 registered users worldwide). Support from the APSF (funding to develop an anesthesia machine workbook and a simulation of the FDA 93 anesthesia machine pre-use check), private foundations, industry, and the University of Florida’s Department of Anesthesiology has allowed the VAM team to stay intact and continue offering free simulations to the global anesthesia community. Dr. Lampotang is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of the Center for Simulation, Advanced Learning and Technology at the University of Florida. He is also a member of the APSF Committee on Education and Training as well as the ASA Committee on Simulation Education.

Traffic on the VAM website continues to grow (>5 million hits/yr; ~ 650 visitors/day, >28,000 registered users worldwide). Support from the APSF (funding to develop an anesthesia machine workbook and a simulation of the FDA 93 anesthesia machine pre-use check), private foundations, industry, and the University of Florida’s Department of Anesthesiology has allowed the VAM team to stay intact and continue offering free simulations to the global anesthesia community.

Dr. Lampotang is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of the Center for Simulation, Advanced Learning and Technology at the University of Florida. He is also a member of the APSF Committee on Education and Training as well as the ASA Committee on Simulation Education.