Wisconsin Team Receives Ellison C. Pierce, Jr., MD, 2006 Best Scientific Exhibit Award

websiteDr. Richard Prielipp (far right), Chair of the APSF Committee on Education and Training, presents the Ellison C. Pierce, Jr., MD, Award for the Best Scientific Exhibit at the 2006 ASA Meeting, in Chicago, IL Left to right are Timothy N. Harwood, MD (APSF Education Committee) and Tricia A. Meyer, Pharm D (APSF Education Committee), Chad Vandrovec, MD, Neil Farber, MD, PhD, Roger Johnson CBET (from the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI), and Richard Prielipp, MD, MBA, FCCM (Chair of the APSF Education Committee). Their exhibit highlighted components of the anesthesia machine and how to avoid machine-related mishaps.
