Symposium for Operating Room Team to Be Held in May

The American College of Surgeons’ Committee on Operating Room Environment in cooperation with the Association of Operating Room Nurses and the American Society of Anesthesiologists is sponsoring Symposium VU on Operating Room Environment.

The Symposium will be held in Orlando, May 6-8, 199 1, at the Peabody Hotel. It features a format designed to improve dialogue among surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists in the operating room. Participants must register as a team representing their hospitals. No individuals are accepted. The win may be two persons (surgeon and nurse) or three persons (surgeon, nurse and anesthesiologist).

Four panels will cover the following topics:

AIDS and Other Infectious Risks in the Operating Room

Ambulatory Surgery: Making It Effective, Efficient and Safe

Computerization of the Operating Room: Like It or Not

Turf Battles: Who is the Assistant in the Operatin Room (Tech, RN, PA, or M.D.)?

Panels will be followed by small group workshops where questions will be formulated to be discussed by the panelists in general session.

Anesthesiologists serving as panelists are

Arnold J. Berry, M.D., Atlanta (AIDS)

Jeffrey Apfelbaum, M.D., Chicago (Ambulatory surgery)

David Paulus, M.D., Gainesville (Computerization)

Marcelle Willcock, M.D. of Boston will moderate the panel on computerization. John E. Plumlee of Lexington, KY is ASA Liaison to the Committee on Operating Room Environment.

For more information on this Symposium and to obtain registration material contact: Mr. Jeffrey Knezovich, Organization Department, American College of Surgeons, 55 East Erie Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2797,(312) 664-4050.