November Letter from Persian Gulf Anesthetists Tells Working Conditions, Anesthesia Monitors

Stephen I. Sherer, LTC, RNC

To the Editor

The anesthesia team here in Baharan, Saudi Arabia has done over 130 cases so far. Patient monitoring consists of manual blood pressure precordial stethoscope, pulse oximetry, and lots of dose observation, both perioperatively and in the PACU. We live in tents, operate in “MVST” units which are powered by noisy U-Packs. We are fortunate enough to now have a liquid oxygen supply source Our patients have done well and, of course, come from a young healthy population. Our drug supplies seem to have sustained their potency in spite of the extreme temperature We are anticipating a large shipment of automated non-invasive blood pressure devices to overcome operating room noise. We endeavor to maintain the safest possible environment and utmost vigilance during the anesthesia care of our patients.

Just thought you might like to know.

Stephen I. Sherer, LTC, RNC Chief Nurse Anesthetist Operation Desert Shield

28th Combat Support Hospital