Pierce and Siker…

by Harry H. Bird, M.D.

To the Editor

I read the Winter, 1995-96, Newsletter with interest, particularly about the presentations by Drs. Pierce and Siker.

Some years ago, Professor Paul Star, in his book on the social transformation of medicine in this country, argued that physicians no longer worked for freedom in their practice but now worked for freedom from their practice. Jeep Pierce and Rick Siker are truly exceptions. Despite decades of effort on behalf of our specialty, they continue to work for better and safer patient care. They would both claim that they received more reward and personal satisfaction than their efforts demand of them. Nevertheless, our specialty can always benefit from role models, and it is timely to point to Siker and Pierce who have made and continue to make contributions of substance to anesthesiology.

Harry H. Bird, M.D. Trustee and Chair of the Board University System of New Hampshire Hanover, NH