Circulation 60,475 • Volume 14, No. 1 • Spring 1999

Office-Based Problem Reports Sought by APSF


The dramatic increase in the number of anesthetics being delivered in one room of a “doctor’s office” that has no association with a hospital or a traditional ambulatory surgical center and the relative – or total – lack of regulation of these locations or activities (depending on in which state) has led to many questions about the relative safety of delivering anesthesia in these settings. Anecdotal reports of adverse incidents, often sensationalized, occasionally appear in newspapers. The APSF is interested in more substantive information. Readers are invited to submit “Letters to the Editor,” or, even better, specific case reports of events with adverse patient safety implications that were influenced or aggravated by the setting being a medical office. Send letters to the Editor. Send case reports to:

Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
c/o Mercy Hospital, Ermire 9564
1400 Locust Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
or email to: [email protected]