APSF Has New “Net” Address

“http://apsf.med.yale.edu” is the new address of the APSF web site on the Internet. The change makes access more direct and faster. This is particularly valuable as the material available at the APSF web site is expanding dramatically. Now, as has been the case for some time, the current and back issues of this Newsletter are accessible on line.

Likewise, visitors to the site know that a copy of the “Adverse Event Protocol” is available for both inspection and downloading. This outline of specific recommended actions to take in the event of an anesthesia incident with patient injury received strong endorsements after it appeared in the Journal of Clinical Anesthesia in 1993.

Information about the APSF Research Grant Program and, specifically, about the application process is readily available at the web site. A history of the APSF is also published as is some background information about accessing anesthesia patient safety information via electronic media.

Finally, the most recent addition to the site is the “TEECHER” program of transesophageal echocardiograph simulation. This very popular program will be available for downloading. It has actual TEE images in an interactive teaching mode that has been very successfully used to teach TEE at the University of Florida, where the program was developed.

Remember: “http://apsf.med.yale.edu” is where you will find all this and more. All students, surfers, browsers, and anyone else are welcome.