The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation is pleased to announce publication of Anesthesia Patient Safety, A Modern History; Reprints from the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter, 1986-1993. Edited by Newsletter Editor, John H. Eichhorn, M.D., this 412-page paperback volume, indexed by subject, will be available in October of this year and will be available for review at the APSF booth in the Exhibit Hall at the ASA Annual Meeting.
Chronicling the origins and growth of the anesthesiology community’s initiatives for improved anesthesia patient safety, the book presents the major articles published during the first eight years of the Newsletter. These many significant contributions concerning patient safety will now for the first time be presented in archival form and available for standard reference citations. Since the beginning of 1994, the substantive articles from the APSF Newsletter have been reprinted in The Journal of Clinical Monitoring and available for reference citation from that source.
The APSF intends to distribute copies to all the anesthesiology residency training programs in the country. Also, it will be available for sale to anyone interested at the APSF booth in the exhbit hall at the ASA Annual Meeting and, thereafter, by contacting the Pittsburgh office of the APSF Executive Director.