The APSF, in its eighth year, remains very active. Perhaps the most significant occurrence during the year was the establishment of the Foundation’s independent Executive Office with E. S. (Rick) Siker, M.D., as the Executive Director and Ms. Michelle Turkowski as Administrative Assistant. Dr. Siker has solidified activities in a major effort to reduce administrative costs, to increase outside contributions, and to fine-tune a smooth running machine.
The Newsletter continues to be a most successful undertaking, with numerous comments given me about the value of its material. Activities in the patient safety research arena, likewise, continue in a vigorous manner. Results of the funded grants have been summarized in the Newsletter, as they proceed. In addition, the year included the establishment of the APSF “Young Investigator’s Award.”
Simulators Grow
There has been additional growth in development of simulators for education and training in anesthesia. The two major simulators, from Gainesville and Stanford, have become available commercially; centers are planned in Boston at Harvard and New York City at Mt. Sinai. Worldwide interest in anesthesia patient safety continues unabated. The Australian Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation plays a major role. In the UK efforts to establish a Foundation are well underway.
Parallel ASA Growth
Other activities of major importance include the ever-expanding numbers of closed claims evaluated in the ASA Closed Claims Project, the completion of the first two Practice Parameters by the ASA, (the Difficult Airway and Pulmonary Artery Catheterization), the revision of the FDA Preanesthesia Apparatus Checkout Recommendations, and the increase in the number of presentations in anesthesia patient safety at the ASA Annual Meeting.
Lastly, the APSF is in the process of awarding commendation plaques to the Corporate Donors who have been Grand Patrons for some time, including Burroughs-Wellcome, BOC Healthcare, Puritan-Bennett, and Zenecca Pharmaceuticals Group (ICI).
The APSF Executive Committee, in its efforts to provide a broad-based consensus in anesthesia patient safety, welcomes comments and suggestions from anesthesiologists and other interested parties worldwide.
Ellison C. Pierce, Jr., M.D.
President, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation