“Crisis Management and Training” will be the theme for the Patient Safety Booth in the exhibit hall at the 1995 ASA annual meeting.
The booth will feature a wide selection of educational pamphlets, printed reports, and videotapes on this and related topics. There will be a special area for viewing the most recent releases from the Patient Safety videotape series. Once again, desktop computers will be available at the booth for those who wish to try PC-based simulator programs and interactive instructional materials. As a special feature, the booth will display actual samples of medical gas pipeline faults and contaminants.
The Patient Safety Booth is a joint project of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and the ASA Committee on Patient Safety, Risk Management and Epidemiology. Visitors to the booth will be able to meet with members of both of these groups. If you cannot attend the ASA this year, mark your calendars for 1996 – the patient safety booth is going “online.”
A photo of last year’s patient safety exhibit appears on Page 36.