In My Opinion: Does Quality Assurance Improve Safety?

Jeffrey S. Vender, M.D.

From time to time and starting with the piece below, the APSF Newsletter will feature a new column – In my opinion…

“In My Opinion. . .” is not meant to be an official APSF editorial, but rather an opportunity for invited respondents to address interesting and controversial issues. These issues should not be geographically or institutionally unique and are meant to represent areas of broad interest and concern. The focus is to create discussions in response to thought-provoking questions. Example topics will include: “Should the surgeon be present in the OR for induction;” “Conscious sedation in the GI lab Anesthesiology roles and responsibilities.”

Newsletter readers are invited to submit questions they would like addressed, or answers to (opinions on) questions they have institutionally (or individually) dealt with.

Jeffrey S. Vender, M.D.

Column Editor