To the Editor
Our graphic design company has been working on the APSF Newsletter since the Winter Issue of 1998. We design the electronic layout, prep the photos and files for printing, and coordinate the printing and mailing of the Newsletter. GrafikPharm is located in Wilmington, Delaware, and we service many medical, pharmaceutical, and biotech clients. Originally we were recommended for this project by Bob Black and Marilyn Brown of AstraZeneca. Dr. John Eichhorn was the APSF Newsletter Editor at that time.
Through the years we have developed a close working relationship with both editors, Dr. Eichhorn and now Dr. Robert Morell, and have gently and gradually guided the Newsletter toward electronic proofing, and recently, a new full color format.
As the person who usually works on the newsletter, I see the articles that come in—the ones that are used and the ones that are temporarily shelved—and from an “outsider” point of view, I am constantly impressed by this unbiased and ethical view of the state of your industry. The APSF Newsletter serves as a wonderful forum for discussion. Controversy is enthusiastically welcomed (even when it concerns major contributors to the Newsletter, and even when it highlights some pretty unsavory things—like the person who took a 2-week course in liposuction and was anesthetizing people and operating in a Texas mall—that one really stuck with me). Both sides of issues are explored (see the new Dear SIRS column to see what I mean). Timely and vital information is distributed, especially the special Bioterrorism issue, the SARS issue, and the recent High Reliability Organization articles (all available on your website).
As a community, you police yourselves, you keep on top of timely issues, you don’t shy away from the tough stuff, and we applaud you. We have a great deal of respect for the intent and philosophy of this organization and we appreciate the opportunity to dedicate our skills to helping you.
Bonnie Burkert
Creative Director
Wilmington, DE