French Publish New Monitoring Guides

by J.C. Otteni

The “Societe Francaise d’ Anesthesie et de Reanimation” (SFAR)published, in June 1989, “Recommendations for the monitoring of patients during anaesthesia:’ These were produced by an ad hoc, working party consisting of twelve members and accepted by the Council of SFAR. They take in account the standards already proposed or adopted by the equivalent societies of other countries and have been drawn up with regard to French regulations and legislation.

Two important concepts concerning the practice of anaesthesia in France are stressed. As anaesthesia is equivalent to a rapid succession of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, affects the body’s integrity, and carries risks, it should only be performed by, or in the presence of, a qualified anesthesiologist. The roles of trainees and anaesthetic nurses (not equivalent to American C.R.N.A’s) are confined to those of surveillance and assistance. The other important point is the fact that the presence of a so-called “02-N20 safety mixer” which is mandatory in France by government regulation, does not allow the requirement of an oxygen analyser connected to the anesthetic breathing system to be waived.

Professor J.C. Otteni is Chairman of SFAR’s Working Party and of the Department of Anaesthetics and Sum,” Intensive Care, University Hospital Strasbourg-Hautepierre, France.