The ‘Societe Francaise d’Anesthesie et de Reanimation’ (SFAR) published in November 1990 “Recommendations for the monitoring and care of patients during post-anaesthetic recovery.” They were produced by an ad hoc working party, amended by the general assembly held during 1990 French Congress of Anesthesiology and approved by the council of SFAR.
These new recommendations follow the “Recommendations for the monitoring of patients during anaesthesia’ published in the Summer 1990 issue (pages 22-23) of the APSF Newsletter. They stress the value of pulse oximetry which should be available for all patients during transport and during their stay in the recovery room.
Professor J.C. Otteni is Chairman of SFAR’s Working Party and of the Department of Anaesthetics and Surgical Intensive Care, University Hospital, Strusbourg-Hautepierre, France.