Volume 12, No. 3 • Fall 1997

Celebration of Anesthesia Simulators to be Theme for the Patient Safety Booth

APSF Booth at ASA

Celebration of Anesthesia Simulators will be the theme for the Patient Safety Booth in the exhibit hall at the 1997 ASA Annual Meeting, October 19-22 in San Diego. This year, the booth will feature live simulator demonstrations with realistic anesthesia mannequins and operating room scenarios, as well as a variety of computer-based simulator and educational programs. This patient safety booth will also provide Internet access to electronic patient safety resources that can be found on the World Wide Web.

In addition, there will be the usual wide selection of educational pamphlets and printed reports. Similarly, there will be again an opportunity to view recent ASA safety videotapes with an enlarged and improved viewing area.

The Patient Safety Booth is a joint project of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and the ASA Committee on Patient Safety, Risk Management and Epidemiology. Visitors to the booth will be able to meet with members of both groups to discuss any issues of interest.