The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation regrets to announce that the APSF Newsletter will no longer be mailed to Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs).
For the past 15 years, the APSF Newsletter has been mailed to CRNAs (without charge to them) using an updated mailing list provided by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA). The AANA has decided to stop providing this mailing list to the APSF, and the AANA has also made it clear that the APSF cannot use the previous mailing list for this purpose.
The APSF feels that all who share common interest in anesthesia patient safety should have access to the APSF Newsletter. CRNAs who wish to continue to receive the APSF Newsletter (at no cost) may do so by providing the APSF Executive Office with a mailing address. In addition, the APSF Newsletter can be found on the APSF Web Site (
For the APSF Executive Committee,
Robert K. Stoelting, MD