Patient Safety Presentation

Medication Safety and Networked Surveillance in Anesthesia

Joyce A. Wahr, MD, FAHA

Presented September 5th, 2018 at APSF Stoelting Conference 2018


  • Perioperative medication process is heavily networked everywhere except in the operating room – electronic medical records, CPOE, networked pharmacy services from order entry thru pharmacy review, to dispensing cabinets. This surveillance includes alerts for allergies or drug-drug interactions.
  • Newer technologies that bring “networked surveillance” into the operating room exist but have been implemented in only a fraction of hospitals; hospital administrators seem willing to accept the (low) risk of medication error over the (high) cost of electronic labeling and bar code administration systems


Medication Safety and Networked Surveillance in Anesthesia – [PDF]


Joyce A. Wahr, MD, FAHA

Joyce A. Wahr, MD, FAHA

Dr. Wahr is Vice-Chair for Quality and Safety for the Department of Anesthesiology at University of Minnesota. Previously she was a cardiac anesthesiologist at University of Michigan, and c-chaired the ACC/AHA Scientific Statement on Patient Safety in the Cardiac Operating Room.

Her prior interest were heavily patient safety in cardiac surgery, serving as Chair of the SCA Foundation and their FOCUS initiative. She currently is more focused on medication safety in the entire perioperative period.