Patient Safety Presentation

Ethical Considerations

Cecilia Canales, MD

Presented September 6th, 2023 at the APSF Stoelting Conference 2023 on “Emerging Medical Technologies – A Patient Safety Perspective on Wearables, Big Data and Remote Care”

YouTube video


Ethical Considerations – [PDF]


Ceclia Canales, MD

Ceclia Canales, MD

Cecilia Canales, MD
Assistant Professor
Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA

Cecilia Canales, MD, MPH is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine at UCLA. Dr. Canales’ research focus is on patient-oriented outcomes in older adults undergoing surgery. She is specifically interested in factors that contribute to postoperative neurocognitive disorders. Dr. Canales is a current National Academy of Medicine Diagnostic Excellence Scholar funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Council of Medical Specialty Societies and The John A. Hartford Foundation for her work in Advancing Language Equity in Perioperative Neurocognitive Disorders. She has also received training from National Institute of Aging-Butler-Williams and Resource Center for Minority Aging Scholars programs. Through the lens of ethics, Dr. Canales has explored how digital health can be harnessed to improve health equity, while avoiding pitfalls that may inadvertently introduce disparity.