Ohmeda Book Available Free

The Anesthesia Machine: Essentials for Understanding fills an important role in the process of learning the safe use of anesthesia equipment by providing, in a concise and easy to read format, the underlying principles of the pneumatics and mechanics of how gases and mixtures are delivered to the patient as part of the administration of anesthesia. The user must know how the essential components operate in unison in order to be able to identify machine problem, correct or prevent them, and have the confidence to make decisions and alterations in the shortest amount of time.

The Anesthesia Machine: Essentials for Understanding, by Ed Bowie and Linda Huffman is especially recommended for new residents and is an excellent refresher book for practicing anesthesiologists and CRNAS.

Readers can write to Ohmeda, Ohmeda Drive, P.O. Box 7550, Madison, WI 53707, Attention: Linda Huffman, to request a free copy.