

The APSF and the APSF Newsletter regret failing to list two committee members in the Winter issue annual listing of all those contributing to the APSF effort.

Joseph W. Pepper, Ph.D., President of Ohmeda, is a member of the Committee on Technology.

Allen Ream, M.D., Stanford University, is now a member of the Committee on Education and Training.

Both these committee members are recognized for their valuable contributions to the APSF

Also, Robert Caplan, M.D. is now chairman of the Committee on Liason because former chairman Casey Blitt, M.D. has become APSF Treasurer.

Lastly, the Editor sincerely regrets omitting the by-line crediting Jeffrey B. Cooper, Ph.D. with authoring the article ‘ICPAMM Session Focuses on Anesthesia Crisis Management’ in the Spring APSF Newsletter. Dr. Cooper’s frequent contributions to this publication are much appreciated.

And Apology

The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter is the official publication of the nonprofit Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and is published quarterly at Overland Park, Kansas. Annual membership: Individual $25.00, Corporate $500.00. This and any additional contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. Copyright, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, 1993

The opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation or its members or board of directors. Validity of opinions presented, drug dosages, accuracy and completeness of content are not guaranteed by the APSF.

APSF Executive Committee:

Ellison C. Pierce Jr., M.D., President; Burton A. Dole, Jr., Vice-President; David M. Gaba, M.D., Secretary; Casey D. Blitt, M.D., Treasurer; E.S Siker, M.D.; Executive Director; Robert C. Black; Robert A. Caplan, M.D.; Jeffrey B. Cooper, Ph.D.; Joachim S. Gravenstein M.D.; W. Dekle Rountree, Jr.

Newsletter Editorial Board:

John H. Eichhom, M.D., Editor; David E. Lees, M.D. and Gerald L. Zeitlin, M.D., Associate Editors; Stanley J. Aukburg, M.D. Ian Ehrenwerth, M.D., Nancy Gondringer, C.R.N.A.; Jeffrey S. Vender, M. D., Ralph A. Epstein, M.D., Mr. Mark D. Wood.

Editorial Assistant: Ms. Nola Gibson

Address all general, membership, and subscription correspondence to:


Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation

520 N. Northwest Highway

Park Ridge, IL 60068

Address Newsletter editorial comments, questions, letters, and suggestions to:

John H. Eichhom, M.D. Editor, APSF Newsletter

Department of Anesthesiology

University of Mississippi Medical Center

2500 North State Street

Jackson, MS 39216-4505