“SITTENDRIP,” an illustration by Leonard W Hill, M.D. that appeared in the November, 1954 ASA Newsletter revealing his impression of “an anesthesia control booth of the not too distant future, when electronic gagetry has reached fuller flower.” It is often sad that remarkable vision into the future can only be truly appreciated in retrospect. Note the cardiotachometer, automatic blood pressure cuff, infusion pumps, and recording spirometer. A forerunner of a pulse oximeter is at the middle right and just below that possibly an early capnograph. Ed. (Furnished by Mr. Patrick Sim of the Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology).
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter is the official publication of the nonprofit Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December at Overland Park, Kansas. Annual membership: Individual $25.00, Corporate 500.00. This and any additional contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible
The opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation or its members or board of directors.
APSF Executive Committee: Ellison C. Pierce, Jr., M.D., President; W. Dekle Rountree, Jr., Vice-President; E.S. Siker, M.D., Secretary; Burton A. Dole, Jr., Treasurer; Jeffrey B. Cooper, Ph.D.; Joachim S. Gravenstein, M.D.; James F. Holzer, J.D.
Newsletter Editorial Board:
John H. Eichhorm, M.D., Stanley 1. Aukburg, M.D., Ralph A. Epstein, M.D., David E. Lees, M.D., E.S. Siker, M.D., Mr. Mark D. Wood
Address general correspondence to: Administrator
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation 515 Busse Highway
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Address Newsletter comments, questions, letters, and suggestions to:
John H. Eichhorn, M.D. Editor, APSF Newsletter Anesthesia, DA-717 Beth Israel Hospital Boston, MA 02215
- Please send the ASA Patient Safety Videotape Series
- Cost of the complete series is $350.00
Make all checks payable to the:
American Society of Anesthesiologists
515 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068