Faculty of Anaesthetists Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Minimum Assistance Required for the Safe Conduct of Anesthesia


1. I Assistance for the anesthetist is essential for the safe and efficient conduct of anesthesia.

1.2 This assistance requires:

1.2.1 The presence of an assistant during preparation for and induction of anesthesia, until the anesthetist indicates that the assistant is no longer required.

1.2.2 The availability of an assistant if required during the maintenance of anesthesia.

1.2.3 The presence of an assistant at the conclusion of anesthesia.

1.3 These principles apply wherever the anesthetic is given.

1.4 Institutions in which anesthetics are given must provide a service which ensures the availability and maintenance in good order of equipment in accordance with Faculty documents on recommended minimum facilities for safe anesthetic practice.

1.5 Staff employed for all of the above purposes must be adequately trained for their role.


2.1 The deployment of assistants in accordance with 1.2 above, should be specified by management protocols.

2.2 The nature and workload of the Anesthetic Service will determine the number and status of persons acting as assistants.

2.3 The duties of an assistant should be specified by a job description.

2.4 Whilst assisting the anesthetist, the assistant is wholly and exclusively responsible to that anesthetist.

2.5 The assistant is an essential member of the staff establishment for each area in which anesthetics are given.

2.6 Rosters and establishment for areas in which anesthetics are given must allow for the availability of adequately trained assistants at all hours.

2.7 For administrative and educational reasons, where a number of assistants are employed, one of their number who is appropriately trained should be designated in charge