The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Grant Program will support clinical research directed toward enhancing patient safety. Its major objective is to stimulate studies leading to anesthesia methods which will completely prevent anesthesia mishaps (also described as anesthesia accidents, misadventures, critical incidents and morbidity).
The major interest is in studies which can be completed within one year, those that concern problems of anesthesia for relatively healthy patients, those that primarily utilize existing medical knowledge, and those that promise improved methods of patient safety readily incorporated into clinical practice.
Areas of research interest include, but are not limited to, new clinical methods for prevention and/or early diagnosis of mishaps, evaluation of new and/or reevaluation of old technologies for prevention and diagnosis, and identification of predictors of patients and anesthetists at increased risk for mishaps. Potential research areas also in crude development of innovative methods for study of low frequency events as mishaps, particularly in community hospitals, and methods for measurement of cost effectiveness of techniques and equipment designed to increase patient safety.
Applications should be received no later than July 15, 1986. Requests should not exceed $35,000. Awards will be announced before October 1, 1986 for projects to begin January 1987. Guidelines for application for an APSF grant are available from:
Mr. Glenn W. Johnson
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
515 Busse Highway
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
Dr Keats is Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Anesthesia at the Texas Heart Institute, Houston, and Clinical Professor of anesthesiology, University of Texas.