The grant programs by APSF and jointly with the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) received 32 Letters of Intent from 23 institutions across the United States and Canada during the 2024-2025 funding cycle (Table 1 and Figure 1). The Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) Grant program is to stimulate and fund studies that will clearly improve patient safety and lead to prevention of mortality and morbidity resulting from anesthesia mishaps. The IIR program funds up to $150,000 for each project. The Joint APSF-FAER Mentored Research Training Grant (MRTG) program is to develop the next generation of perioperative patient safety scientists. The APSF-FAER MRTG program funds up to $300,000 for each project. In the 2023-2024 funding cycle, APSF awarded two projects in the IIR Grant program (“Pulse Oximetry Accuracy and Skin Pigmentation in Congenital Heart Disease: A Prospective Observational Study” led by Dr. Burnett of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , and “EXtubation related complications – an international observational study To Understand the impact and BEst practices in the operating room and intensive care unit – the EXTUBE study” led by Dr. Parotto of University Health Network/Toronto General Hospital). The 2023 APSF-FAER MRTG was awarded to Dr. Megan Michael from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center for her project entitled, “A Structured Communication and Team Training Program to Improve Perioperative Patient Safety.” The deadlines for the 2025-2026 funding cycles may be found on the APSF website under “Grants & Awards”, along with projects funded.
Table 1. Institutions that submitted letters of intent (LOIs) during 2024-2025 funding cycle.
Institutions | # of LOIs Received |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | 2 |
Brigham and Women’s Hospital | 2 |
Duke | 1 |
Johns Hopkins | 1 |
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center | 1 |
Massachusetts General Hospital | 3 |
Medical University of South Carolina | 2 |
Montefiore Medical Center | 1 |
NorthShore University HealthSystem | 2 |
San Francisco VA Medical Center | 1 |
Stony Brook University | 1 |
The Hospital for Sick Children | 1 |
University Health Network | 2 |
University of Calgary | 1 |
University of California, Los Angeles | 1 |
University of California, San Diego | 1 |
University of California, San Francisco | 1 |
University of Miami | 1 |
University of North Carolina | 1 |
University of Pennsylvania | 1 |
University of Texas Health Sciences Center | 1 |
University of Virginia | 3 |
University of Washington | 1 |
Yan Xiao, PhD is professor of nursing and engineering at University of Texas at Arlington
Dru Riddle, PhD, DNP, CRNA is professor of nursing at Texas Christian University
Rebecca L. Johnson, MD, FASA is professor of anesthesiology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN
Stacey Maxwell is administrator of Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
The authors have no conflicts of interest.