Volume 12, No. 4 • Winter 1997

APSF Newsletter Book Still Available

The softcover book Anesthesia Patient Safety, A Modern History: Selections from the APSF Newsletter is now available from the APSF. The title might be misleading since some of the “history” is as recent as 1993. The book consists of the substantive articles that were published in the APSF Newsletter during its first eight year, inclusively 1986-1993.

To order a copy of this valuable 412-page compilation of anesthesia patient safety literature, write to the Pittsburgh administrative office of the APSF, c/o Mercy Hospital, 1400 Locust Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, or FAX your request to (412) 281-9485. The cost, including postage, is $24.50. The book will be mailed to you along with an invoice which must be paid by check or money order only; no credit cards.