APSF and STA Co-Sponsor Florida Workshop for Industry

The products provided by industry have a major impact on the practice of anesthesia providers in the operating room and thus on the safety of the patient. AU too often, however, clinicians lament that there are few new and even fewer good ideas coming from industry. Manufacturers, on the other hand, find that understanding what a clinician really wants and needs is no easy task. Further improvements in patient safety will be facilitated if members of industry and clinicians have an understanding of each other’s problems, needs, capabilities and goals.

To address precisely these issues, the APSF, in cooperation with the Society for Technology in Anesthesia and the University of Florida, will sponsor “Problems and Promises,” a two-day workshop for members of industry. Companies can be represented in up to five product categories machines and equipment, diagnostics, drugs, supplies, and information. Anesthesiologists and industry participants will identify the problems that currently confront the clinician and then go on to identify the promises of the future.

The conference will he held on January 16 and 17, 1991 at the Grosvenor Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. A second conference, “Technology in Anesthesia ” sponsored by the STA will be held at the same location on January 18 and 19, 199 1. For additional information, contact APSF at (312) 825-5586.