Additional ASA Patient Safety Videotapes Completed

Ellison C. Pierce, Jr., M.D.

Videotapes # 1 0 and #II in the ASA Patient Safety series were taped in December and January. John 1. Savarese, M.D. was the producer of “Safety in Neuromuscular Blockade,” which was prepared by Park Row at the Massachusetts General Hospital and funded by Burroughs-Wellcome. Bernard V. Wetchler, M.D. was producer of “Safety in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit”. The videotape was funded by ASA and an educational grant from Datascope. It was prepared by the FDA at the University of Florida, Gainesville.

For Anesthesia Departments in United States hospitals of more than I 00 beds, the entire series is available free through the Burroughs-Wellcome Company. Interested departments that have not already been placed on the mailing list may do so by contacting the local Burroughs-Wellcome representative.

The series will be available for purchase by Anesthesia Departments outside the United States at the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Booth during the Ninth World Congress Meeting in

Washington D.C., May 22-28, 1988.

The series is available on four Cassettes as follows:

Cassette A. ASA Overview, Preventing Disconnection in the Breathing Circuit, Anesthesia Machine Check-out.

Cassette B. Adverse Events, Anesthesia Record Keeping, Human Error.

Cassette C. Monitoring with the Six Senses, Monitoring with Instruments, Anesthesia Equipment Service. An Organized and Cooperative Approach to Maintenance and Repair

Cassette D. Patient Safety in Neuromuscular Blockade, Patient Safety in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit.

It should be noted that at least one malpractice insurance company in the United States has allowed a reduction in anesthesia malpractice premiums for anesthesiologists who view the videotapes annually.

Dr. Pierce is President, APSE