Rita Agarwal, MD is a Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology at Stanford University School of Medicine; she has been involved with anesthesia, in particular pediatric anesthesia education, for over 20 years. She served as the Pediatric Anesthesia Program Director for 17 years at Children’s Hospital Colorado, and is now the Chair of the Pediatric Education Committee at Stanford. Her other passions include pediatric pain management, and she has served as the Director of Acute Pain Services at Children’s Hospital Colorado. She is now an attending anesthesiologist and inpatient pain management attending at Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital. Improving patient safety by enhancing communication, collaboration, and team building are primary interests for Agarwal. She is a senior editor for the American Board of Anesthesiology certification examination and a junior editor for the Pediatric Anesthesiology certification examination. In March 2019 she will take over as President of the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine. Connect with her on the following platforms:
Twitter: @RitaAgarwal6
Facebook: Rita Agarwal
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rita-agarwal-20529787/