Patient Safety Presentation

Remote control of Medical Devices – Are we ready?

Julian Goldman, MD

Presented September 7th, 2023 at the APSF Stoelting Conference 2023 on “Emerging Medical Technologies – A Patient Safety Perspective on Wearables, Big Data and Remote Care”

YouTube video


Remote control of Medical Devices – Are we ready? – [PDF]


Julian Goldman, MD

Julian Goldman, MD

Julian Goldman, MD
Medical Director of Biomedical Engineering
Mass General Brigham Health System
Massachusetts General Hospital Dept. of Anesthesia

Julian M. Goldman, MD is Medical Director of Biomedical Engineering for Mass General Brigham health system, an attending anesthesiologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital Dept. of Anesthesia, and Founder and Director of the Program on Medical Device Interoperability & Cybersecurity (MD PnP). Dr. Goldman founded the MD PnP Program in 2004 to promote innovation in patient safety and clinical care by leading the development and adoption of safe, secure, patient-centric integrated clinical environments. The program’s new initiative on Smart and Autonomous Medical Systems (SaAMS) at the MGH Center for Innovation in Digital HealthCare (CIDH) is addressing technology, standards, and safety of remote and closed loop medical device systems.

Dr. Goldman is Board Certified in Anesthesiology and Clinical Informatics and is a Fellow of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (FASA). He completed anesthesiology residency and research fellowship in medical device informatics at the University of Colorado. He departed Colorado as a tenured associate professor to work as chief medical officer of a medical device company. Subsequently, Dr. Goldman joined Harvard Medical School and the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine at MGH in 2002 as a Clinician-Scientist where he served as a principal anesthesiologist for the MGH “Operating Room of the Future”.

Dr. Goldman served as a Visiting Scholar in the FDA Medical Device Fellowship Program, co-chaired the FCC mHealth Task Force, the HIT Policy Committee FDASIA Workgroup regulatory subgroup, and the FCC Consumer Advisory Committee healthcare working group. He served on the NSF CISE Advisory Committee and as a member of the CDC Board of Board of Scientific Counselors for the National Center for Public Health Informatics.

Dr. Goldman serves in leadership positions in several healthcare standardization and innovation organizations including immediate past Chair of ISO Technical Committee 121 and chair of the Working Group on cybersecurity, Executive Committee member of the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council Cybersecurity Working Group, and Co-Chair of the AAMI Interoperability Working Group and AAMI COVID-19 Response Team.

Dr. Goldman was an IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturer, and the recipient of the International Council on Systems Engineering Pioneer Award, American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) award for Professional Achievement in Technology, the AAMI Foundation/Institute for Technology in Health Care Clinical Application Award, and the University of Colorado Chancellor’s “Bridge to the Future” award.