SHEA Podcast Features APSF Board Member Richard Prielipp MD: Infection Prevention Adjustments for the Anesthesia Provider with the APSF

July 6, 2020

The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America

<strong>Richard C. Prielipp, MD, MBA, FCCM</strong><br />Minneapolis, MN<br /><a href=""></a>

Richard C. Prielipp, MD, MBA, FCCM
Minneapolis, MN
[email protected]

The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) interviewed APSF Board Member Richard Prielipp, MD, MBA as a part of their “The COVID-19 Allies in Prevention” Podcast Series. In this podcast, moderator Joshua Schaffzin, MD, PhD, FAAP discusses the perioperative patient safety considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic specifically on aerosol generating procedures (i.e. endotracheal intubation and extubation, operating room entry) and considerations on patient and healthcare worker safety.

▶ Listen to the Podcast

Here are some of the highlights:

  • How many practices have changed before and into the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Room air exchanges and how they have affected intubation/extubation traffic
  • Universal precautions and PPE
  • PAPRs and the operating room
  • Intubation teams for perioperative care and COVID-19