How Does Smoking Impact Surgery Results?

Smoking can have a significant negative impact on surgical outcomes. Here are a few ways smoking can affect healing and other surgical complications :

  • Heart and Cardivascular Issues: cigarette smoking is widely recognized as a significant contributor to heart disease, The chemicals in cigarettes promote plaque formation and narrow blood vessels over time. Nicotine also causes blood vessels to constrict when smoking, further obstructing blood flow. These effects can hinder the body’s healing process, leading to a higher risk of infections and tissue damage.Smokers are also at an increased risk of developing blood clots, which can cause serious complications such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) during and after surgery.
  • Respiratory Issues: Smoking damages the lungs and can cause breathing issues, which can complicate surgeries that involve anesthesia and mechanical ventilation. Smokers may experience a higher incidence of postoperative lung complications, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. Smoking also makes it harder for the body to get enough oxygen during and after surgery, which can delay healing.
  • Increased Hospital Stay: Smokers may require longer hospital stays after surgery, as they may experience more postoperative complications.

Therefore, it is recommended that patients quit smoking at least several weeks before surgery to reduce their risk of complications and improve their surgical outcomes.

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