- Founding Patron
- American Society of Anesthesiologists
- Grand Patrons
- American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- Glaxo Wellcome Company
- Hewlett Packard Company
- Ohmeda, Inc.
- Preferred Physicians Mutual Risk Retention Group
- Nellcor Puritan Bennett
- Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Group (ICI)
- Patrons
- Abbott Laboratories
- Organon, Inc.
- Sustaining Members
- Anesthesiologists’ Professional Assurance Co.
- Baxter Healthcare, Corporation
- Becton Dickinson
- Hoffman LaRoche, Inc.
- Johnson & Johnson Medical, Inc.
- Datex Medical Instrumentation, Inc.
- Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc.
- Marquette Electronics, Inc.
- Medical Inter-Insurance Exchange of N.J.
- North American Drager Company
- Sponsoring Members
- J. Jeffrey Andrews, M.D.
- Aspect Medical Sytems, Inc.
- Augustine Medical, Inc.
- Beth Israel (MA) Anesthesia Foundation
- Bridgeport Anesthesia Associates
- CAE Electronics, Inc.
- Datascope Corporation
- Michael Good, M.D.
- Grace Container Products
- Iowa Society of Anesthesiologists
- Janssen Pharmaceutica
- King Systems Corporation
- Loral, Inc.
- Medical Gas Management, Inc.
- Miles, Inc., Pharmaceuticals
- Minneapolis Anesthesia Associates
- Pain Net, Inc.
- Pittsburgh Anesthesia Associates, Ltd.
- Southeast Anesthesia Associates, P.A.
- Texas Society of Anesthesiologists
- University of Colorado
- Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists
- Corporate Level Members
- Anesoft, Inc.
- Arizona Society of Anesthesiologists
- Arrow International
- Frederick W. Cheney, M.D.
- Norig Ellison, M.D.
- Gasman, Inc.
- Independence Anesthesia
- Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- Wilbur McCoy Otto, Esq.
- Pall Biomedical Products Company
- Pennsylvania Medical Society Liability Ins. Co.
- Tennessee Society of Anesthesiologists
- Memorial Contribution Made by the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists in memory of Ted C. Kolozsvary, Jr., M.D., Galveston, Texas.